

  • Background in automotive and retail goods
  • Made in America
  • Licensed Autodesk Inventor 2021, Autocad and Fusion 3D
  • Long standing excellent relationship with vendors and outside contractors for quick turnaround and excellent results
  • Fully contained and environmentally safe work area for design, development and testing
  • COVID-19 safety measures taken on site and with vendors and outside contractors - none to limited physical contact

Meet the Owner

Mark S. Schmidt


I began my career in Michigan in the automotive industry eventually moving to commercial goods while maintaining contacts in the automotive industry. In 2000 I relocated to Georgia with a former company. In 2013 I began SMS Machine.

I have extensive experience in many facets of machining, manufacturing, and design. My training and experience has expanded and developed along with new technology in the field. I am always looking for new challenges and ways to improve processes and designs or to bring old equipment up to current standards.

I have maintained long term relationships with my customers and vendors.

In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and participating in outside pursuits and traveling when time permits.